HE SAID, SHE SAID -part one
-.-.-.DATE 2009-02-23 TIME 00:49:35haha skoja. men denna skrev jag i åttan, det var en engelska uppgift. jag kommer lägga upp delar av den tills jag har lagt ut hela. tror den är 10 eller 12 a4 (aa) har även skapat en ny kategori ''short stories/texts'' där ni kan hitta alla mina grejer :D
A young boy about the age of 15 walked in. I looked up. Was it really him? The golden brown hair looked like solid gold. I could only see his back. I dried my tears quickly and tried to look happy. The hope inside me grew and my heart felt like thousands of giant drums beating against it at the same time. Now the boy turned around. The fake smile that was once glued on my face disappeared instantly and the hope inside my soul faded. It was not him.
My underlip started to shiver and I could feel my warm tears running down my cheeks, embracing every little skincell they came across. One after another. Each tear was filled with hope, but now they formed a small puddle on the table.
I could hear the door opening and closing several times. But why even care whether he showed up or not, now when the hope was gone. I glance at the girls across the room. It was the popular girls from school. The snack bar was their regular hangout spot. I hear them giggling. I lowern my face so that they wouldn't recognize me. After a few minutes of sobbing, I felt now only sadness, but the rage inside me became bigger. I should've known this was coming. A popular guy like Jake just don't ask a nerd like me, out on a date. It doesn't make sense. It was all just a silly joke.
I got up from the chair I was sitting on, went to pay for my three scoops of ice cream I ordered two hours ago that I never even touched, and went out. Never get your hopes up to high right?
- Summer, wait!
I turned around. And what was in front of my sight? Jake coming at full speed on his skateboard. His face was red and you could tell he was really exhausted. It looked like as if he had been running for his entire life without stopping. He pulled up beside me and started breathing heavily. He wore a white t-shirt along with these Hawaiian inspired boardshorts every guy in California wears. A backpack was hanging on his left shoulder and his hair was wet.
- Hey, he said -Sorry I'm late, but we had an hour extra soccer practice today.
I said nothing, of course I was mad at him. After going through a whole day where you get a makeover by your twin sister who is way more good-looking than yourself (we're fraternal twins), which is very painful, and then being forced to sit and wait for more than two hours, you could be nothing but furious. BUT, since this was the most popular guy at school, and also the hottest guy, my feelings were no near the word furious. Instead I felt butterflies. I had no guy experience what so ever, so it felt kind if awkward being there with him.
Jake said he was hungry so we went back to the snack bar. I went back to the place I had been sitting on earlier.
The popular girls, Tiffany, June, Chelsea and Akeelah, were on their way out but stopped when they say Jake.
- Well hello there Jake, said Chelsea and gave him a hug.
Chelsea and Jake had this kind of on and off relationship.
- What are you doing here? she asked him.
- Uhm... you know.... I'm just here with a friend. he answered her.
- Oh really?! Who?
- Erh... you don't know him Chels... he's not even here right now, i'm waiting for him to come.
WAIT! PAUS, PLAY BACKWARDS, AND PLAY. Did he just refer to me, as a ''he''? What the...?!!
Svar: hihi :)
Shit, den verkar jätte bra!! ;) ska läsa när jag kommer hem från skolan <3
hoppas du få ren bra månda g:)
åhh den va skitbra!!! :O Jag vill läsa fortsättningen! :D:D:D Så bra engelska du har ^^
sv: Jaa brendas hår är sååå fint :D
Ooowh, så braa ;O
Nästa tack :)
jaha:D ja de gillar ja:)
haha nej vi snackar nt fult!:(
du något har hänt med min blogg, ser den normal ut på din data? för min visningsbild och de står ängst ner på min
sv: ja, det var mums! :*
Okej, jag lägger till dig nu (:
å så fint du oxå har det! ROOOOSA!
haha där nere ? jag bor faktiskt i linköping (a) :D
ja , jag är helviet ^^ men det kan bero på att jag blandar mycket svenska i viet & ibland kan det bli så att jag snackar bara svenska alls .. så min viet , är inte så bra ;( haha är du oxå helviet eller ?
riktigt härlig text :o mycketmycket fin :)))
Mamma såg en bild på dig och din prins och blev helt chockad och trodde att jaghade vänstrat eller nåt, haha... det var så det hela började! Hon läser min blogg lite då och då!
Hm... jag skulle kunna vara din storasyster, hur gammal tror du att jag är?? Jag är mkt äldre än dig! Men vi asiater ser ju lite yngre ut, så det är ju bra =)
Tihi, puppy love till riktigt kärlek! Har ni alltid varit vänner?
Frstn, jag fyller faktiskt år den 13 juni.. bara några dagar före dig =) coolt...
Åh shit såå bra!!! :D längtar tills du skriver mer!! :D!!!!!!!!