-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-29 TIME 00:02:15- VANESSSAAA?!! HEY V!!
damnit. i got up so quickly that i pushed scott aside he almost fell into the pool.
it was natasha! what the hell was she doing here now?
- who is it? scott said
- it's natasha.
i went inside and found natasha looking for me.
she studied me from head to toe giving away a suspicious look.
- did you drop your phone into the pool or something!? she said
- no... why?
- why?! v, i've been calling and texting like an idiot!! why didn't you answer?
- ohh... sorry i haven't checked my phone all day, i lied
- are you seriously kidding me? did you hit your head into the pool ground or something?
- no? i said and giggled
- well you must have hit it into somthing already.... 'cause you're obviously missing something up there, she said
- what are you talking about? i knew what she was after. the juicy news about last night...
- duuh! you and scott!! she raised her voice and looked at me as if i were stupid
- what about scott? a voice came from behind, it was scott.
natasha's eyes got big and her mouth got wide open.
- ss...s....scott, she said
- hey natasha, he said and nodded towards her
- call me later v, OK?!!! natasha said and escaped through the door.
i turned around and faced scott. a little smile had appeared on his face and to tell from his facial expression he wanted to know why natasha's and my conversation involved his name. i said nothing, instead i turned around and quickly went up to my room. i changed to a pair of pink cotton shorts and a tight, white t-shirt from victoria's secret saying: i love pink - & boys. then i opened the door and gave away a cry as my heart jumped a few steps back.
- scott, you scared me!
- ohh, sorry... i didn't mean to. he said and smiled.
i felt his eyes were fixed on me.
- what? i said and looked back at him
- what did you say about me? he seemed curious
- ohh nothing special, i said teasing him a little bit and went back into my room and placed myself on my bed. he went right after me.
his eyes moved around, then they suddenly stuck on a picture of me and a group of girls wearing bikinis. he looked at it for a long time.
- oh please, that is so typical male! i said, smiled and threw a pillow at him. i wanted to get things going.
- what are you talking about? i was just studying the beautiful background of the beach, he said and smiled
i raised my eyebrows and said: ohh really, i thought you were checking us out!
- me?! nooo!! girls are not in my interest. i like nature... he said and tried to hold back the giggle inside him
- you are seriously retarded, i said and bursted in laughter
he took the pillow and threw it back at me saying: IF i were looking at the girls, i was not looking at you, that's for sure
- you say so? ok, then i might as well just go and get myself wrapped in a huge robe instead, i said and got up to get my morning robe.
he looked at me, then he took my arm and pulled me back tightly against him.
- ohh, so you're only wearing this incredibly sexy outfit for my sake? we were so close i felt his warm breaths against my face
i smiled.
- don't be ridiculous. you can never have me, even if you tried, i said and reached for another pillow and threw it at him. i lost my balance and landed on my bed. i took my teddy bear and threw it at him and laughed. he tried to cover himself with his hands, then he got closer and closer, then all of a sudden he was over me. i felt his hands run along my body, then he started tickling me under my arms. i exploded in laughter and tried to kick and hit him in desperation. he grabbed both of my arms and held them down on my bed.
- i thought i already had you, he made me miss ya oh so bad
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-28 TIME 23:46:05CITAT JAG GILLADE
Edward Cullen: Are you afraid?
Isabella Swan: I'm only afraid of losing you.
Edward Cullen: I don't have the strength to stay away from you anymore.
Isabella Swan: Then don't.
Edward Cullen: I hate you for making me want you so much.
Isabella Swan: About three things I was absolutely positive. First, Edward was a vampire. Second, there was a part of him, and I didn't know how dominate that part might be, that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.
Isabella Swan: You can't leave me!
Edward Cullen: Shh... Shh... I'm here.
Isabella Swan: We can't be apart.
Edward Cullen: Where else would I go?
Isabella Swan: Edward why did you save me? You should've just let the venom spread. I could be like you by now.
Edward Cullen: You dont know what your saying. You don't want this.
Isabella Swan: I want YOU. Always.
Edward Cullen: I'm not gonna end your life for you.
Isabella Swan: I'm dying, already. Every second I get closer, older.
Edward Cullen: That's the way it's suppose to be.
Isabella Swan: Alice said she saw me like you. I heard her.
Edward Cullen: Her visions change.
Isabella Swan: Yeah, based on what people decide. I've decided.
Edward Cullen: So that's what you dream about, becoming a monster.
Isabella Swan: I dream about being with you, forever.
Edward Cullen: Forever?
people will be people always
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-26 TIME 23:10:07slänger in ett litet kollage som jag gjorde lite snabbt hihi.
they're standing on the edge of a cliff, not holding hands
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-26 TIME 17:29:58jag orkar inte mer.
he told her his words were pure lies
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-25 TIME 23:43:51JAG ÄR FETT SUR.
köpte ett sånt här halebop refill kort 100 kr på coop idag, men dom är fuckade så man får inget kort utan ett jävla kvitto!!! grrrr. så jag fick ett kvitto som bevis på att jag köpt det, och ett kvitto där koden står. så jag knölar ihop ena kvittot och slänger iväg det. nu när jag är hemma inser jag att det inte var kvttot jag slängde utan KODEN!!! mothaaaa*************** kqjoejwoq536%1@£€{8[q23ad!!!!
förresten, pappa gjorde friterad banan till mig idag. yum!
i'm thinking boom box and a cat fight later tonight
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-25 TIME 17:10:05jag har vart ute i solen med elin idag, gotta love it people! först cyklade jag till henne, sen cyklade vi ner till coop och köpte bananer och yogurt för vi skulle göra smoothies. sen cyklade vi runt på ljusdal (hot hot hot weather!!) för det var ju så himla fin väder, sen till henne. we made some smoothies, mmmhh yummielicious^^ sen satt vi på hennes studsmatta och snackade en massa, bland annat om RESOR! om man får bo på hotell fastän man är under 18 så ska elin följa med mig nånstans, annars... ja... blir det något annat. och efter gymnasiet ska vi till new york, JAG HAR JU KONTAKTER DÄR NU, it's all about knowing the right people. HAHAH x) men det ska bli naaaajs. nu ska jag dra på mig glajjorna och ut och sola, ciao!
FYI: min mobilkamera suger.
be a flirt lift your shirt
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-25 TIME 12:35:18tvåa var pussydoll och trea hotlikeyou. BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME FELLAHS. tssss hell to the no, fett jobbigt att ha veckans blogg... det tog evigheter att räkna rösterna. HAHAH. jag är så lat (aa) maybe later.... om några månader, hihih. anywhoozers det är skitfint väder ute, AGAIN, but we gotta love it, right? jag ska hänga med elin senare och nu ska jag äta.
s m o o c h e s!!
(now get your ass outside and start looking for this season's spring fling!! remember: be a flirt, lift your shirt!)
he told her she was his fantasy
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-24 TIME 21:48:01VILKEN TYCKER NI ÄR FINAST!??!!
earth will deliver what heaven desires
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-24 TIME 19:14:04video som jag gjorde på mig och älskling :)
confessions of a former and soon to be laughaholic
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-23 TIME 13:15:05har bråttom så skriver lite snabbt. någon frågade ifall jag mådde dåligt nu eller hade typ, attityd problem för jag har använt en massa skällsord i min blogg (bitches, hoes, idioter m.m)... hehe. jo, alltså den här veckan har inte vart någon bra vecka för mig. var beredda, för nu kommer jag klaga lite. myycket personliga problem, en massa prov/läxor i skolan för min del dessutom ligger jag efter rejält, ska skriva en mini extended essay på 8 sidor om någon historisk händelse, det är ensamt i min lägenhet så jag känner mig en aning deprimerad, jag saknar min pojkvän, jag saknar min mamma som inte kommer hem förrän på tisdag eller onsdag och ON TOP OF THAT så känner mig jag trött hela tiden och allt jag vill är att SOVA SOVA SOVA. phheeew!! nu vet ni :) och så gillar jag att säga bitch, hoe och idioter. men that's another story. solen skiner som bara den så jag ska vara glad idag! CIAO!
damn those bitches walkin 'round acting like hoes
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-22 TIME 08:33:47forever21, $24.80
åhh just det, förlåt för att jag inte har svarat era kommentarer, på har inte haft tid. sitter på skolan nu och bloggar lite snabbt, ska snart leta upp en massa information om renässansen -.- försökte ladda upp en video på mig och min bebiii men det gick inte pga copyright?! like wtf`? det är ju MIN video?!! IDIOTER
when left is right and right is wrong
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-21 TIME 16:01:17even the strongest love has its thorns
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-21 TIME 11:49:10jag frågar mina kompisar: alltså om man håller en mikrofon kopplad till högtalare mot magen, undra om det kommer låta då när magen kurrar? *tänker efter*
och på lunchen när jag skulle dricka vatten, då MISSADE jag min mun så vattnet rann ner på tallriken. alltså, hur fan missar man munnen? :s jag är så bäst, därför.
r: har du tuggummi?
jag: aahh *letar i väskan*
r: ???
jag: ojjj varför ger jag dig mitt sudd för :o
h: ahh du kan ju tugga på suddet...
jag: ahh just det! det heter ju suddgummi.... *ler jättestort*
h & r: *tyst* ???
och det här är bara tre grejer som har hänt hittills, det har hänt mer, trust me!! it's not even noon yet!!
på tal om annat: igår var jag asledsen. saknade min baby skitmycket... :( saknade mamma med... ALLA LÄMNAR MIG :'(
victoria's secret
stylish chicks high heels and a latte in the big apple
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-20 TIME 15:17:34- next summer you can come to new york and i'll take you shopping.
wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiee :D:D:D hon är fan bäst. hon köper allting till mig (aa)
men nu över till annat. första skoldagen idag, den var inte alls jobbig. jag & sabe lekte runt lite på biologin :D hehe. det är sjukt fint väder ute med, tror jag ska ut en sväng snart och... ja.... sätta mig på en bänk alldeles för mig själv. haha.
har ni fint väder? =D
• jeans jacka, gina tricot • tröja, american eagle • sjal, h&m
• jeans leggings, h&m • axelrems väska, lindex • örhängen, wet seal
to be or not to be... halshuggen? (neahhh jag går ib & vet nt vad det är på engelska, ok?!)
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-19 TIME 14:06:04kolla här:
Trött på att hitta sist till alla gratissidor då poänggränserna är löjligt höga och det är omöjligt att värva folk eftersom alla redan är medlemmar? Då är ****(adress borttagen av mig)**** sidan för dig!! Den går till på samma sätt som alla andra sidor, men eftersom den är ny och inte har så många medlemmar går det jättelätt att samla ihop poäng! På en vecka har jag redan fått ihop presentkort på 800!(300kr (770poäng) plus en extra bonus på 500kronor som ALLA med mer än 950 poäng innan sista april får!!Det har jag ALDRIG lyckats med på någon annan sida. Passa på och bli medlem du också innan alla andra hitar dit och det blir svårare! Dessutom hinner du ju vara med i utmaningen att få 500kronor extra i bonus!
för det första: FUCK YOU!!
för det andra: vem fan orkar läsa den där långa texten? om du ska göra smygreklam och hoppas på att någon hinner läsa det innan det tas bort, GÖR DEN KORT!! like wtf? :s äkta bibel ju
för det tredje: det är lika bra att ta bort alla random siffrorna i slutet av länken så slipper man hjälpa till er med poäng
ta bort siffrorna och skriv dit .com eller .se vafan det går lika bra ><
förresten, fortsätt rösta på bloggarna :)
what a rockin rollah chick with legs like killah
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-19 TIME 13:31:18såå, in med rösterna nu!! reglerna är:
- ni får bara rösta EN GÅNG (kom ihåg att jag ser erat ip!!)
- bloggarna ovan får inte rösta på sig själva
- röster utan namn räknas inte
jag kommer räkna rösterna på fredag kväll.
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-19 TIME 13:09:22
- vanessa, wait! where are you going? scott said and followed me
i smiled. i did not want him to believe he had ruined my plan or that he had gotten me so easily during a few seconds of stupidity. i may have made a mistake, but now i was going to make him believe i did it on purpose.
- come on, there's a party going on here!! we can't hide all night, right? i said and grabbed his arm and led him into the thick crowd.
i woke up with a strong headache wondering what the hell i had done last night. uh-oh! now i remember. i got a strong feeling that i wanted to puke any second. just the thought of what i had done made me nauseous. why?! why vanessa?! why did you have to be so god damn stupid? he is probably smiling right now, and if he is sleeping, he's probably smiling with his eyes closed. i mean, who wouldn't? i do every time after i've taken a guy and then left him with nothing more than a memory of my soft lips. but now, i was the big victim! he was the one who will soon leave me with only a memory. i had failed, i lost the game.
the day went on. things were no different between me and scott, so the parents thought. and maybe scott did too... he talked to me and acted as if nothing had happened, but sometimes he would give me this look that said ''let's do it again'' or he would touch me in this sensitive kind of way. but as for me, i tried to stay away from scott as much as possible. seeing him would only bring out the horrifying memories in which i was the big loser. i hate losing. this was not a good beginning of summer break.
the same day, or should i say evening, our parents went out to eat and then they would head for a casino. so me and scott had to stay home. natasha had called me several times, texting ''so, how did it go?'' and ''v, where r u, call me!!'' and ''v, i'm getting worried here!! when ur not answering, it must be somthin bad, somethin real wrong!! WHAT IS IT?'', and she was right. something was really wrong. you could describe it like a shoe, a pair of high heels for example. the heels were missing. or like a cheerleading pyramid, one cheerleader on the base was missing. everything would collapse!! but i had to be the heels, or the missing cheerleader. that's right... i had to keep on playing the game until i was the winner. the thought hit me; but who said it was a game from the very beginning? i tried not to think about it and went to look for scott.
i found him in the backyard by the pool. his hair was wet. i didn't go there immediately, instead i went up to my room and quickly changed to my bikini, then i went back down.
- taking a swim? i asked him and slowly got into the pool, giving his eyes a chance to embrace every inch of my body. it was sunset and the poolwater bathed in lights of pink and orange.
he observed me, just as i thought, took off his t-shirt and then said:
- i am now.
he got into the pool and we looked at each other. the thought i had had the first time when he arrived here came back. i was back in the game and i was going to make him want me more. i gave him a little piece of me yesterday, but now, i was going to make him crave for me even more.
i started swimming and he followed me. i acted as if he weren't there, but then he stopped for a while. so to keep everything going i turned around and said ''aren't you coming?'', a smile appeared on his face. i was tired of swimming so i got up and placed myself on the edge of the pool. he did the same thing. my heart was racing. a few drops of water ran along scott's cheeks. i took my own hand and wiped them off, gently, using every second to feel his soft skin against my fingers. he turned his head a little bit against my hand, and soon his lips were touching the palm of my hand. i didn't let go. i could feel his warm breaths against my palm. then he took my hand, and kissed it. he kissed my fingers all the way up to my arm. i closed my eyes and took a deep breath. my skin crawled and i got goosebumps. his lips moved from my shoulder to the back of my neck. his lips embraced every surface of my skin. then he pushed me down so that the cold, hard surface of the ground touched my back. he kissed the inside of my thives and worked his way up to my belly. my body shivered like a weak leaf a windy day. i opened my eyes and found him looking at me.
what was that?!!
it was the time of cocaine whores and transparent bitches
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-19 TIME 11:09:41OEMGEEE what a drama night!!!! eller drama och drama.... hehe. jag låg i sängen mitt i natten med nattlampan på, skulle ringa till min pojkvän. sen helt plötsligt blinkar lampan lite och släcks helt!! :o jag som är terrified (TERRIFIED I TELL YOU, TERRIFIED!!) för spöken blev asskraj :o ville gråta nästan HAHAH. så jag försökte ringa min kille då, det går typ en eller två signaler sen stängs mobilen av på grund av LOW BATTERY!! så jag kopplade in laddaren, but what happens?! NOTHING!!! blir ännu mer rädd och försöker slå på mobilen, men ingenting händer. IGEN!! ni vet i filmer och sånt, då kan ju spöken påverka elektriciteten... så tänkte jag då. HAHAHA så ful jag var nu när jag tänker tillbaka. aja, telefonen fungerade inte, så försökte tända den stora lampan i mitt rum, men den funkade inte heller!! :o så hörde jag ett ljud ute i hallen och fick värsta looken på facet, blev skiträdd. men sen hörde jag att det var pappa och att det var strömavbrytning, IGEN!! på grund av blåsten eller nåt sånt.... IGEN.
soligt va :D dock väldigt VÄLDIGT VÄLDIGT blåsigt...
fast inte då jag tog bilden...
- vaddå det blåser väl nt hela tiden heller -.-
he looked for the flaws and they looked for him
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-19 TIME 00:25:33ikväll har jag fan vart äkta drink-test personen här :o but mimi likes! okej... inte äkta drink-test person, men lite? (aa) jag lägger in drinkarna snart^^ but first! jag måste berätta för er hur snäll min kusin är. hihiihih. alltså när jag var och shoppade i gävle för nån dag sen, så fick jag pengar av henne. idag beställde vi fem parfymer från library of fragrance och hon betalade åt , fast iofs, jag köpte bara en -.- och imorgon ska jag beställa två väskor (PÅ REA, HALLÅÅÅÅ) från, SOM HON BETLAR! :D mimi loves! de parfymerna vi beställde var: between the sheets, jelly belly fruit salad, prickly pear, sex on the beach och min strawberry ice cream :D YUMMM. väskorna får ni se imorgon, men nu kommer drinkarna^^
berry azz (hihih kul namn va, asssssss)
4-6 cl bacardi razz
skitgod drink! läskande och syrlig. hihih.
rosa pantern
likör 43
smakar typ... söt mjölkdrink. asgod den med :D
naughty (ohlallala)
bacardi razz
bacardi límon
lemon sour
citronig, syrlig och somrig!!
she said it's sunny, he said shut up bitch it's raining
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-18 TIME 13:11:09ursäkta för den dåliga kvalitén. råkade göra den liten, så fick förstora upp den igen. hehe (aa)
förresten, fortsätt att nominera era bloggar till veckans blogg :D hihihi.
a moment in the spotlight
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-17 TIME 22:21:13du får nominera din egen eller någon annans blogg som du gillar, ni har till på söndag på er att nominera :D
sen väljer jag ut fem bloggar och ni får rösta på dom fram till på fredag.
vinnaren får en bildlänk i min meny i en hel vecka :D wiihooooo SOUNDS GREAT HUH? or not. well, ni bestämmer om ni vill vara med. hihi :)
såhär kör man mini-fyrhjuling och fångar flugor med munnen samtidigt. PROVA!
tillägg: the time is now 6:46 AM. i cannot sleep.
i have no time left to breathe
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-17 TIME 21:55:34OH EM GEE (lame...)!!! VISSTE NI ATT SVERIGE HAR FÅTT EN NY ENKRONA? alltså det visste INTE jag! läste i den här tjejens blogg att sverige har fått en ny enkrona. I HAD NO IDEA!! är det jag som är efter?!! jag har då aldrig sett den i verkligheten. hoppas jag får en snart; I LOVE NEW THINGS :D hihih.
nu över till annat (låter som på nyhterna... ''över till vädret''.. -.-). fick precis ett samtal från fia. hon, emma w och emma l var tydligen på väg till bollnäs (!!). dom hade hört att det var fest där, men tydligen så blev det ingen fest. eftersom jag har lägenhet i bollnäs så trodde dom att jag var där nu och kunde fixa in dom på nån fest. MEN HALLÅ, det är lov och jag är i LJUSDAL nu. idioter.... men snygga idioter :)
jag: tänk att vissa tänder på det...
ksenija: tänder?
jag: ja
ksenija: tänder?!
jag: ja?
ksenija: alltså varför vill dom visa tänder för?
haha det var min och kesos lovely konversation om 2 girls 1 cup. har ni inte sett den; gör inte det. jag såg den för skiiiiiitlänge sen, och dör fortfarande varje gång jag tänker på det. IT GIVES ME THE CHILLS!
oh romeo save me, i've been feeling so alone
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-17 TIME 20:52:21den luktar asgott! typ passionsfrukt :)
detta är min tredje library of fragrance parfym, trust me; THERE WILL BE MORE!
present till en kompis :)
keso köpte den här! fast hon glömde den hos mig.... hmm... jag ska använda lite. bara lite. hoppas att hon inte märker... hahahhaa JAG SKOJA KÄÄÄSO :D
let the sun illuminate the words you cannot find
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-17 TIME 14:39:37bikini från cubus. i told you i wanted it colorful!!!
enkelt sommarlinne :D
linnet är gulare i verkligheten^^
snart ska jag vara med keso för hon kommer och hälsar på mig i ljusdal :D wihoo. det är så himla fint väder här. sen måste jag plugga som tusan -.-
false lash effect with fiberwig
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-17 TIME 14:12:36nu har jag provat på fiberwig, den nya populära mascaran straight from japan!
jag har bara målat de övre fransarna med fiberwig, använde en annan mascara på de nedre.
(det är en webcam bild eftersom min kamera befinner sig in the states nu)
vad: mascara
namn: fiberwig från japanska märket imju
pris: 220 :-
vart: lindex
what is said about the mascara?
denna mascara innehåller dubbelt så mycket fibrer som gör fransarna längre ju mer du applicerar. samtidigt som man får extrem längd separerar borsten också. man ska få en ''false lash effect''. denna mascara smular inte och tål svett och tårar; so if you wanna cry, DO SO! den tas enkelt bort med varmt vatten.
what do i think?
den lovar ju false lash effect, och det tycker jag verkligen att man får! fransarna separeras jättebra, och de blir superduper långa. det är en torr mascara, så den torkar på en sekund typ. men den smular inte iallafall, som de flesta torra mascaror gör. den gör inte fransarna fylliga, så om man vill ha mer fylliga och svarta fransar får man applicera på en drygare mascara i slutet. perfekt till fest! om den tål svett och tårar återstår att se. hehehe. men jag gillar verkligen den här mascaran och den får nu joina min favorit mascara grupp. haha :D
betyg: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
(minus för att fransarna inte blir så tjocka och fylliga)
making my way downtown, walking fast
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-16 TIME 23:38:29förresten, jag köpte den där mascaran som hette fiberwig; 220 :- på lindex. lägger upp ett inlägg om mascaran imorgon :) jag skulle också köpa ett par gladiator sandaler (assnygga!), men lade ifrån mig dom nånstans i butiken, sen fick jag så bråttom så jag glömde att jag skulle ha dom. haha...
just det! glömde säga:
när jag var inne på vero moda kommer en stor grupp tjejer fram till mig och frågar ifall jag vill vara modell för en modevisning!!! nånting med young fashion, i samarbete med be young eller nåt? alltså jag kommer inte ihåg.. haha. men det är ju kul :D så jag tackade ja. COME AND SEE ME!! datum? i'll tell ya later! nu har jag blivit tillfrågad att gå modevisning tre gånger. hihi kul :)
they try to tell me how to feel
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-16 TIME 00:13:09samlat ihop en massa söta, rosa (för det mesta) mobiler :D
jag har den sista, längst ner till höger (aa)
we kissed under the sky, bathing in twilight
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-15 TIME 23:51:57imorgon ska jag till gävle med min kusin och en kompis! tjohoo :D fick pengar av pappa OCH min kusin. plus att mamma redan hade gett mig pengar innan hon lämnade mig kvar här i sverige för att åka till florida och ha kul. but what the hey, money can buy happiness for a while, right? hahahahha :D så det blir storshoppning för min del imorgon då. OM jag hittar nåt fint i gävle.
tänkte prova på fiberwig, har hört att den är fett bra :o am i right? or wrong? jag ska köpa en ny mascara, så TIPSA MIG :D nån som testat den beauty tubes från l'oréal? är den bra? TELL ME!
it's ok to be a sinner sometimes
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-15 TIME 16:56:08slänger in receptet!
- 200 g mörk choklad (eller vanlig ljus)
- 70 g smör, skuret i bitar
- 3,5 dl vispgrädde
- 2 stora ägg
- 1 msk whisky
- 2 msk honung
- 1 burk med konserverade aprikos halvor
- digestive kex
smält chokladen och smöret i vattenbad.
vispa grädden lätt.
vispa ägg och honung pösigt.
blanda grädde, choklad och whisky i ägg-blandningen.
låt stå i kylen i ca 1 h.
krossa några digestive kex (beroende på hur mycket ni vill ha) och låt det också stå i kylen.
lägg digestive i botten på alla glas
lägg sedan i chokladmoussen
garnera med aprikoshalvor =D (eller andra bär/frukter)
when do i know where to stop
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-14 TIME 22:53:09jag cyklade till lisa idag och vi hade skitkul! vi vandrade runt inne på ica och skrattade en massa^^ hihi. sen kom vi på att vi skulle göra cheesecake, men visste inte vad för ingredienser det var i. och med turen på vår sida så hade jag 59 öre på telefonen :o lyckades skicka ett SOS-sms till ksenija: RING MIG FORT :O JAG SLÖSAR MINA SISTA PENGAR PÅ DIG!! DET ÄR 911, ALLTSÅ EMERGENCY!!!
haha hon ringde upp 10 min efter (-.-) och trodde att nån hade dött.... hehe. men vi fick reda på vad för grejer vi skulle köpa, och när vi kom fram till lisa insåg vi att vi hade glömt KESELLA :o så vi fick cykla tillbaka och köpa det. sen kom nam också. så vi gjorde cheesecake med hallon alla tre. resultatet? FETT MISSLYCKAT. men lite gott (a) alltså den blev typ lite bränd. hehehehe. sen spelade vi ''thirteen cards'', vet nt vad det heter på svenska eller hur man stavar det på vietnamesiska, typ; tien len? eller? hahahahha. sen cyklade jag hem i mörkret och var SKITRÄDD. tänkte stanna på vägkanten och gråta fan x) dom senaste dagarna har jag bara snackar om spöken ju. uuuscchhhh ><
sometimes i enjoy looking back and i kinda like it
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-14 TIME 17:02:49bild av mig och lisa
snart ska jag iväg hem till lisa. det ska bli askul! jag var lite med henne igår också. vi var i hennes brorsas lägenhet och så hade vi en sån här fake pistol, som skjuter jättehårt och långt, så försökte vi skjuta på folk som gick förbi (han bor på andra våningen). hahaha. nu ska jag klä på mig. puss.
till alla som tror att jag och min älskling har gjort slut: fuuuccckkk yooouuuuu. vi har nt -.-
do yourself a favor and get rid of it
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-14 TIME 15:33:30
värmen är påväg and you know what that means!! vi kommer få se bara ben snart! men inte håriga hoppas jag. hehehe. så därför tänkte jag tipsa om VEET hårborttagnings krämer. completely PAINLESS! trust me. jag hatar att raka mig. efter en liten rak-accident som inträffade i sexan då jag skar mig själv riktigt rejält och utvecklade en rakhylvel fobi. huuuhh. still gives me the creeeps... vaxning gillar jag, men vissa tycker ju att det gör skiiiiitont. lite överkänslig maybe? hehe (aa)
jag har bara provat dom tre produkterna längst åt höger. den första rosa (den med plastskrapan) är riktigt bra! MIN FAVORIT SÅKLART. den tar bort ALLA hårstrån och det växer inte tillbaka förrän typ, två veckor. iallafall på mig.
den gröna brevid ska man ha i duschen. den är också bra. det är bara att dra med svampen så försvinner hårstråna.
den blåa är inte så speciellt bra. iallafall inte den jag provade, det var ''sensitive''. den tog inte bort alla hårstrån -.- damnit.
men kom ihåg att inte smörja på en massa skit på benen eller vad det nu är efteråt, för det kommer sviiiiiiida som fan och det är inte bra för huden heller. låt huden vila i 24 h. känns det obehagligt efter? SUCK IT UP PUSSY. nej skoja, badda med vatten eller hämta en isbit och dra på huden. asskönt :D
i would like to get myself a lil' bit carried away
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-14 TIME 14:14:31ohh right!! ALMOST FORGOT! jag har en läskig/äcklig sak att berätta för er fellahs! :o men inte än. snart..... ;)
btw; tänkte lägga in lite florida-bilder från förra sommaren då jag var där.
&& sometimes i wonder why i even bother to
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-13 TIME 16:46:05jag kan inte kolla upp det själv nu, för jag ska ut. puss
jag fick den här fina musen av min baby :D
changes are good
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-12 TIME 17:08:22FOREVER? - FOREVER. - part 4
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-12 TIME 16:02:07
did i want him or did i not want him? as a one-day fling or something more? and what did he think about me? did he want me the same way as i wanted him? but i don't even know how i want him... why on earth am i feeling this way? this is not me! noo! i'm right. this is not me. i want him. for one day or two. then it's goodbye mr handsome...
- so... do you have a boyfriend? he suddenly said out of nowhere.
- no. i answered shortly.
- no? you look like a girl who has a boyfriend, scott said and smiled.
- why? i said and frowned.
- don't act stupid vanessa. you know you can have any guy you want. you're beautiful, that smile of yours can make any guy fall, and your eyes... can hypnotize every guy, make them weak. you know how every school has this perfect, popular girl that every girl wants to be and every guy wants to be with?
- yes?
- that's you. he let his eyes leap along my body, from my face down to my toes, and back up again.
i noticed his chest started to move heavier and his breathing got a little bit louder. he was still observing my body. i felt his strong desire to touch and grab me everywhere. i felt the same thing; how wonderful it would feel like to have his fit, tanned body pressed against mine; his lips on my neck then to slowly move their way to my own lips; to feel him suck my lips and to feel his breathing get more uncontrollable; his big hands touch along the inside of my thives; my own hands touching, caressing, exploring... it was as if he could tell what i was thinking because in the next second he was throwing himself over me. his soft lips were searching for mine, once found, our lips met in a fiery passion we could not escape. our tongues flicking and carassing. we both breathed in the same rhythm that followed time; tick, inhale; tock, exhale; tick, inhale; tock, exhale and so on. his hands went down inside my dress, moving upwards, touching, feeling. i felt the bulb of his sex harden along with the pleasures he knew he was creating. it all happened so fast. i barely had any time to think. i was caught up in a mind full of lust and pleasure. every corner of my mind was occupied by him and there was no room for common sense.
the waves hit the edge of the rock so hard it splashed water on us. he seemed to enjoy my body was wet and sticky by the ocean water and the humid air. but the water was like a wake up call. what was i doing? i gave away to easily! now he will think i'm cheap and easy that will give away for anything. damnit. i pushed him away and immediately got up on my feet. then i went towards the center of the party. i hated myself for letting him kiss me. i was supposed to be the seducer, not the seducee! now everything was ruined. for all my teenage life i had never given any sign of weakness, i had never let a guy rule over my body and possess it, i had been strong, i had been the one making them fall, not them making me fall. had i become weak?
oh romeo take me, somewhere we could be alone
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-11 TIME 23:44:20imorse åkte mamma och mina småsyskon till arlanda och nu är dom på väg till florida :( nu är jag ensam hemma med pappa fast han bara jobbar så jag är ju typ, helt ensam under dagarna. värsta ensamt kommer det bli sen. blev värsta ledsen, jag saknar mamma, linn och kevin suuuuper mycket :'( HUR SKA JAG KLARA MIG?! dessutom så är jag väldigt sjuk så det suger ju. meeeen if i look on the bright side så var det ju ASSOLIGT IDAG! :D yippie yay på den. låt oss hoppas att vädret håller i sig :]
i tried something different && i kinda liked it
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-10 TIME 16:04:48jajaja i know i know! jag har inte uppdaterat på hela veckan. men har inte haft tid, plus att jag inte har internet i min lägenhet. men nu kommer jag kunna blogga hela veckan eftersom jag är hemma i ljusdal nu :D wihoo. supervarmt är det ute med. trodde jag skulle få värmeslag.. -.- haha nej skoja.
igår var jag VIP på tranan!! hahaha skoja. nejdå, jag jobbade där på nattklubben med en massa andra eftersom det var disco för sjuorna-niorna. jag var helt snurrig i huvudet :o hade så sjukt ont i huvudet vilket uppfattades av en massa andra TRÖGA FUCKING SEPE MÄNNISKOR att jag var full? när jag gick hem (JAG VAR NÄSTAN HEMMA!!) så ringde keso och sa att en massa hade sagt att jag var full, och att det var jävligt dålig stil av mig att komma dit och jobba när jag var FULL! så jag var tvungen att gå ända tillbaka mot stan för att blåsa i en alkomätare -.- liksom HALLÅ?! vafan skulle jag komma dit full och jobba för? jag kunde tydligen inte ens gå -.- så när jag kom dit så lyste lampan självklart GRÖNT. vem hade rätt? vem hade fel? vem var idiot? JAG VET NOG VEM DU ÄR!! hatade dig redan första gången du öppnade käften och kaxade mot keso :@ åhhh så skönt det är att få ut aggresionen :D jag sa åt keso och rebecca att hämta den där tjejen (och de andra, men mest den där tjejen) men dom ville inte x) hahaha. nu vet jag hur du kände dig keso.. vi slår henne tillsammans nångång. it's a deal, ok? haha :D
time for the boyfriend pant to hit the streets! ;)
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-10 TIME 15:24:43when we arrived music and loud voices filled the evening air. lots of people were dancing and having fun, splashing and pushing each other down in the salty water. the sun was still high up in the sky, though it was 8 o'clock.
- v baby! how ya doin, come here! a guy named tyler had spotted me and immediately headed towards me with his arms open. he kissed me on my forehead not willing to let go of me. i pushed him away and said:
- tyler, this is my friend scott, and scott, this is tyler.
- hey, what's up, scott said and tyler answered him with a nod.
- come on! i said with a huge smile, took scott's arm and led him into the massive crowd of people.
then i spotted natasha.
- hiiii! oh my god, you came!! she said being extremely hyper.
- hey! are you drunk already? i said
- nooo, what are you talking about! here, take this, she said and handed me a beer. then her eyes caught scott standing behind me. she gave me a look meaning "m'm, who is this hunk?". i leaned towards her, whispering in her ear: he'll be mine before this night is over... i took a step back, smiled and looked at her. she opened her mouth and stared at me, then her lips formed a smile, gave me a bottle and said: booze, then she went away.
after three hours of dancing, a couple of beers, and an empty bottle of booze (that i had shared with scott of course), we were all full of sweat. i looked at scott, and his eyes seemed to glitter. the sun was on its way down and its beams painted the sky pinkish orange. he looked at me. i came closer and stood on my toes (i had taken off my high heels), his chest touched mine. his heart beated with the same rythm of my heart. i slowly leaned forward, and so did he. i smiled and quickly turned my head to the side. i thought "i want him, but i'm not going to let him believe he can have me so easily. i'm going to play with him for a while".
then i whispered in his ear: come on.
i led him to the huge rocks by the water. i sat down on a big, flat rock and looked out over the ocean. he got down right next to me, so close his leg touched mine. i looked at him, his eyes were fixed on the sky. i squinted my eyes and bit carefully on my lip, something i always did when i wanted someone. he turned his head towards me, and we gazed at each other. the salty air was hot and humid, even though it was late and the weather gave away a few winds every now and then. the surface of the water sparkled in the sunlight as the waves hit the edge of the rock. a deep line between his eyebrows appeared as he frowned. there was this tension between us that grew, and suddenly it was as if all i could hear was my own heart beating. it felt like every breath that i took, i wanted him more and more. i'm about to go crazy.
then he finally spoke out:
- don't you think it's wierd? that we're sitting here together right now after ten years of not seeing each other? acting like we've met every day, having fun, dancing, laughing with each other...
"and wanting each other" i thought, but didn't say it.
- yeah... i know.
a moment of silence.
- i dreamt about you. he said and looked at me. - you wore a white dress and you were dancing on the top of a high cliff, then suddenly you slipped and fell down. but somehow i was down there, standing on the water and i caught you in my arms, it was really wierd... so basically, i saved your life there. he said and gave away a giggle. then he continued: then the next day, my parents told me we were to visit you. kinda like fate.
- i don't believe in fate, i said looking at him straight in the eyes
- you will... some day, he said in this mysterious kind of way.
- what, do you believe in fate then?
- no. but you're a girl. every girl thinks that everything that happens to them is fate. "ohh, my boyfriend broke up with me" then their girlfriends says "awwhh, it just wasn't meant to be. it just wasn't fate" he imitated. then he started laughing.
- not every girl thinks like that!
- what, you don't?
- no...
- then what do you believe then? he asked, starting to sound serious.
- i don't know.
i certainly did not want to talk about this with him. he was just a victim. and you don't talk feelings and beliefs with the victim. i would have him, then i would throw him away. he's just one out of a hundred. he's no one. whatever i do with him, will mean nothing. absolutely nothing. but, how come when these kind of thoughts filled my mind, i couldn't help but feeling a little bit of doubt stabbing my heart?
it's your sweet seventeen tomorrow
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-05 TIME 22:12:17nu säger vi grattis till min snygga brud här uppe som fyller 17 år den 6 april (imorgon)! sweet seventeen baby :D puss på dig idiot. muwhahha skoja. hoppas du får en bra dag :] ♥
no regrets - just lessons learned
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-05 TIME 14:51:21• cardigan, h&m • linne, bikbok • jeans leggings, only • uggs, kommer inte ihåg • axelrems väska, lindex •
gick ut på promenad igår med mina småsyskon. det var skitvarmt, kändes jättehärligt. vi gick jättelångt mot en hästhage och kollade på hästarna. jag är en sån bra storasyster!! :D satt nyss och spelade playstation med min lillasyster: ICE AGE!! haha det var skitkul. jag måste leka med henne nu för hon är sjuk (när hon är sjuk blir hon sur), soooo i have to make her happy :] nu ska jag göra smoothie.
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-05 TIME 14:07:14we had two guest rooms, one scott's parents stayed in and the other was for scott. the day went on with a barbecue, the parents chatter seemed to go on forever. me and scott hung by the pool. even though we had not spoken to each other for ten years, i found it amazingly easy to talk and hang out with him. though the thoughts i had had about him earlier, still hung in the back of my mind.
my phone rang, on the display it read: natasha.
- sorry, i got to take this, i said and answered the phone.
- v, are you coming or not? it's loads of people here! natasha said
oh right, the party!
i thought about it. i would rather much want to be with scott. he seemed to be just like the guys i hung out with; interested in sports, popular, fit and so on, but yet i found him very interesting, and i knew that if i played my cards right, i would have him. just like with the other guys i've wanted. it was easy to make them fall, but as for myself, i had never been in love. it was just the chase that i liked. if i wanted something, i went right after it, and as soon as i've caught it, i let go.
- you know what, i'll be there. i said and hung up.
i looked at scott for a long time, feeling a great desire to touch him, wondering how it would feel to have his muscular arms rapped around me.
- do you wanna go to a party? it's down by the beach. i finally said.
- sure, it'd fun. he answered.
- we're going down to the beach, i said to my parents.
- ok honey, you know the curfew, my dad answered.
- i know, i know, twelve o'clock...
- twelve o'clock?! come on stephen! don't be so harsch. it's a friday night, besides scott will be there with her. let them have fun, george said.
- alright then, you go and have fun. i'll leave her in your hands scott, i trust that you will take care of her, he said and laughed.
- i will, scott said with a smile.
i rolled my eyes and thought: could this be anymore embarassing? why don't you just hire a guard to come with me while you're at it.
i went up to my room and opened the doors to my walk-in closet. i wanted to wear something that would make scott think of me as irresistible, but yet, not too revealing. it had to be something that would make him want to see more. i looked around for a while, and there it was! the perfect dress; a short, orange dress showing off a little clevage, but yet, not too much. the color went perfect with my tanned skin. i chose a pair of golden high heels, squeezed a bit of hair mousse in my hair and shook my head to make it look messy. i swept with the mascara brush over my long lashes and looked at myself in the mirror. i smiled. "i look good" i thought to myself. once i had finished my makeup i headed to scott's room and opened the door.
- oh my god, i am so sorry scott! i said in astonishment. but i couldn't deny i liked what was in my sight.
there he was, with no shirt on. his incredibly tanned and fit upper body appeared in front of my eyes.
- it's ok, he said with a grin, then he put on a light pink t-shirt with some kind of graffiti on it. oh my, pink on a guy is so incredibly sexy! i tried not to stare on him, so i looked out the window, but somehow my eyes managed to find its way back to scott. i smiled to myself, then his eyes met mine. time froze for a moment, and i felt he desired me too. if i can't have him soon, i will die.
you can't stop wishing if you don't let go
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-04 TIME 17:15:07ser ni den där parfymen? helt okänd och allt det där, men luktar EXAKT som britney parfymen curious! :o förrut när jag promenerade med keso (for more than two hours!!) så upptäckte jag en ny affär, såå cool :D den hade en massa fake parfymer som luktade exakt som de originala. den som jag köpte (den där uppe), kostade bara 60 kronor :ooo och så stod det: kopia britney spears på den. hehe. sen är det eau de parfum :D bra köp tycker jag^^ fast ska ända skaffa mig den där rosa parfymen från ed hardy som luktar SJUKT GOTT. yummmiiieee. ahh just det, så köpte jag den där rosa alarm klockan med. mimi likes!!
she completely fell for him but he didn't even stumble
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-04 TIME 01:08:14
det blir inget idol för min del. hehe. i know i know, jag ville så gärna. men neahh, har tänkt till lite. söker nog nästa år isåfall, för först ska jag ta sånglektioner :D haha. har redan ett ''musik projekt'' på gång med ksenija, vi ska ju spela ute på bollnäs gator i sommar. HAHA =D come and see us live people, oh and BY THE WAY; vi accepterar nt mynt.... hehe. kidding. nu börjar det bli riktigt varmt ute, MIMI LIKES! massa sol = GLAJJOR BBY ♥
btw, snart är det påsklov. vad ska hittas på hos er?
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-04 TIME 00:53:43forever? -forever.
You are my life
the air i'm breathing
if you go
i can never live.
i let my fingers touch the dark, black letters on the last page in my diary. the page felt so fragile, like the wings of a butterfly; ready to give up weakened by time and slowly vanish. i did not know whether to cry or to smile. it was all in the past, yet they had haunted my dreams, both fully awake and in sleep, so many times. the memories.
i think maybe i should explain first, so that you can understand what i'm talking about. i will start from day one.
- vanessa darling! get dressed and come down here as soon as possible! the carter family are almost here, my mother called from downstairs.
- yeah, in a minute! i called back.
everything had to be perfect. my mom was a perfectionist, every single detail had to be perfect, and if it wasn't; her eyes always caught it and then she made sure it was. she had been planning and planning for this reunion for a long time.
my parents have known the carter's ever since i was born, i grew up with their son scott, who is the same age as me, 16. but they moved to miami when i was 6, and we hadn't seen each other for ten years, nor had i kept in touch with scott.
now they were coming to visit, and they were expected to stay for the entire weekend.
i put on this white dress that ended a few inches above my knees that my mom had insisted for me to wear. "it really shows off your long legs sweetie. they're gorgeous" she had said. my mother, as myself, always wanted me to look good. but for who? i wasn't even aloud to have a boyfriend... not that i ever obeyed that rule, but that's another story.
i pulled my fingers through my thick, long blonde hair. that was another physical part of me i was always complimented for.
i heard a car pull up on our driveway. "it must be them" i thought and went down.
i was not nervous at all. neither was i anxious. i just wanted to get it over with so i could hit the beach with my friends. there was a party going on down there. it was friday, come on, i would not sit at home on a friday night chatting about the good old days.
out of the taxi two people went visible. there was mr carter and mrs carter.
- george! mary! my mom called as a big smile crossed her face.
the grown-ups greeted each other, then they started hugging and telling how long it'd been and how young they all look. the woman started bragging about this and that, advicing each other about good weight loss methods while the men clapped each other on the belly saying "oh you know what the years do to you". then the attention was drawn to me.
- so beautiful you've become vanessa! oh just look at you! so tall, oh so thin! the boys must be all over you huh? mrs carter, mary, said and caught me in her arms.
- oh no, there are no boys, my father, stephen, said with a smile.
- you hold on to her real hard now do you old man! mr carter said and laughed.
- but where is scott? scott honey? come on over here! mary said.
the door to the taxi opened and out came a tall boy wearing a volcom t-shirt and surfer shorts. his hair was thick and brown, i could tell he was really fit. my parents welcomed him and threw loads of compliments over him.
then our eyes met. his eyes were emerald green, deep, kind of mysterious. in that moment, something happened to me. it felt like something had struck right through my body, touching my heart. had i been hit by the arrow of cupid? no, this was nonsense! this is scott! hello! the guy who was once my best friend, the guy who used to play hide and seek with me in our garden.
then he smiled and a dimple appeared clearly on his left cheek. he still had the dimple! it felt like i was about to melt to the ground. my legs weakened, i was afraid my legs would not have the strenght to carry me.
- hey vanessa, he said.
i managed to open my mouth to say hi.
- long time, no see. he said and shrugged his shoulders, not letting the smile fade.
OH MY GOD. i wondered why on earth i felt this way. this guy, who i had been best friends with, was the most good-looking guy i had ever seen in my entire life. he was even hotter than kyle, who was, according to all the girls, the hottest guy at school. "i want this guy. i must have him. i will have him" i thought.
&& so the lion fell in love with the lamb
-.-.-.DATE 2009-04-02 TIME 15:25:20FÖRRESTEN
jag funderar på att påbörja en ny novell. WHAT DO YA THINK?
BIKBOK's nya kollektion är sjukt fin! så fort man kommer in i affären så var det bara: COLORS!